Tuesday, October 14, 2008

All I can say to Apple is WTF?

Knowing that Apple was going to refresh their laptop line today I was pretty excited and could hardly wait until 1:00 est for the announcements. After all is said and done I am left scratching my head and asking.. Seriously Apple WTF? Like most Apple devotes I was hoping for something revolutionary like maybe a 9-12" touch screen tablet of some sort, but if not that I was expecting a recession friendly $800-$900 MacBook, with a new look and maybe a new feature or two. What we ended up getting was a more expensive MacBook missing a KEY feature... Firewire! No Firewire port? How can I target disk mode? How can I import video from my Camcorder? I don't get it! Yes the new MacBooks look fantastic (we'll set aside the Glossy only screen for now). But looks only go so far. A better video board yes, a new multi touch track pad yes, but those were just necessary improvements to keep Apple laptops from looking long in the tooth. Not that I was in the market for a MacBook, but I know a lot of people who are / were I think now I might just recommend a nice refurbed white MacBook for $300 less. Apple seriously what were you thinking? Those specs at that price point? No thanks I'll pass along with a lot of other people.


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